How to avoid the suffering of death and dropping the body and how to die gracefully, joyously and peacefully
Here are a few of our titles on death in itunes:
1/ How to avoid the suffering of death and dropping the body and how to die gracefully, joyously and peacefully
2/The five regrets we have as we die and how we can avoid having them at death. First regret I wish I'd had the courage to live the life that was true to myself and not the life others expected of me.
3/ The five most common regrets we have at death number two I wish I hadn't worked so hard
4/ The five most common regrets we have at death the fourth regret at death is I wish I'd stayed in touch with my friends
5/ Celebrating death can be the most powerful gift we can give
6/ Why do we feel that it's so important that we're remembered after we die
7/ Death wish and how it can bring us to our enlightenment and help us back to our spiritual home
8/ How to avoid the suffering of death and dropping the body and how to die gracefully, joyously and peacefully
9/ How to let go of our body when it's dying
10/ What we can do to prepare for our death or the death of a loved one
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