"Someone asked me "What do you do?" I answered, "Well you know how everyone is searching for more peace, joy, fulfillment and balance in their lives? Well I help people to develop toolboxes that help them find, or remember those states. Tools that can help them to find balance and greater ease, in what can be a stressful and challenging world. "
Our "Tool Boxes" have grown, through our life experiences, through our interactions with the people in our lives and through sitting with mentors who have gathered a tool box of their own.
Tools, give us the opportunity (when we can), to negotiate and move beyond the spirals of "Tuning" energies, that emerge as experiences in our lives. These then generate emotions and thoughts. Remember these are always just energy tuning to greater light.
Fiona, her husband Bob Whitmore and daughter Anastasia in NY in the 80's
Fiona on site filming the documentary "Women of the Earth."
Fiona was born in the deep bush South Africa to activist and naturalist parents. Her days were spent in the beauty, connectedness and delight in nature. After emigrating with the family to Australia when she was 9, she was placed in a private school where there were beatings and ridiculing and she slowly slipped into a deep depression. This created a search for the light or the "Africa Feeling" as she called it, that she has known as a child. It took her many years, a lot of searching and finding many life tools before she slowly she lifted out of the depression and re-found access to her light.
Fiona has always found that nature is a key back into who she is, her light, joy and love.
After graduation from college, she taught young children for eight years, during which she traveled extensively. Always being encouraged to sing, her parents found teachers for her and in her early twenties she auditioned for the Adelaide Festival Trust and joined them for six festivals seasons. The South Australian Opera asked her to join them during this time and she also sang a couple of Operas with the Australian Opera. After a spiritual epiphany, at about the time her daughter Anastasia was born, she stopped professional singing and began to offer her services as a clairvoyant, healer and teacher throughout Australia . After traveling to the US to spend some time in a a meditation retreat, she met Bob Whitmore a film producer. In 1984 they married and moved to NY where she had an active practice and started the Healix Institute a mystery school. The school is a place where individuals can discover tools, techniques and meditations that help them to remember who they truly are and how to find and hold that in this busy world.
Anastasia today
Fiona created a Metaphysical School which was initially called 'The International School of Energy Healing' in 1996 in New York. It later became the Healix Institute, offering classes, seminars, individual sessions, professional certifications and more. Many students have discovered new full or part time careers.
Feng Shui Tuning
Feng Shui Tuning, is a new way to explore your life. We live in an ocean of energy. This energy runs throughout our body, mind, emotions, environment and our Universe in rivers and can be tuned like a guitar. Feng Shui Tuning gives us tools and techniques that enable us to tune these energies of our life to the symphony of what we want. There will be 3 courses and a certification level for those who want to become Feng Shui Tuning Consultants. Check out our classes and website.