Dance like no one is watching, sing like you think you can


I love dancing! Not ordinary dancing, but free wild dancing. Feeling the air swirl around my hands and hair, letting the body just move as it wants.

The Ancient Maters of  Qi Gong knew and made the simpler routines complex...funny isn't it? (See the coming podcast/blog on "the Heart of Qi Gong.) The guidance is much more detailed and structured when we begin. Slowly as Qi Gong becomes a part of you and you get more used to moving with the energy, you can allow the energy to move you. Then there is no structure, it becomes just following the energy of the body and the Universe. Children tend to do this naturally, if they're allowed. Watch them as they twirl, jump and make funny moves, as they're balancing themselves. 

Most of us hold our body in tight patterns of movement, this constricts us and limits our ability to feel the joy and love that we are. 

Sitting in a room with a teacher who beat us, it was like living in a war zone. You never knew when they would attack, so I grew a hyper vigilance, a heightened sense of when danger was present. I taught myself to feel their emotions and find ways to deflect their reactions. I never got hit, but watched many of my friends beaten with rulers of canes. This has actually left me with a gift of sensing peoples emotions. What it also gave me was a fear of being myself, a fear of speaking up and a fear of most people. Dancing, singing, running through nature, up mountains barefoot, enabled the freedom I had known as a child to have a doorway into my life. I would find a place where no one could see and dance and sing freely and joyously. These moments were bridges between the world of fear and the world of joy, light and peace.