Podcasts tHAT help us to create bridges into who we truly are.
The bridges that carry us from our daily life into the vastness of who we are, are our keys to knowing how to maintain balance in our life.
Join us, Jill Townsend and Fiona Whitmore and our friends at Earth Tribe Radio as we find the light in our lives. We share journeys, insights, teachings, meditations, life tools, techniques, blogs and other useful tools! Check it out!
The intuitive mind is sacred a gift
Albert Einstein
We have many shows already available, like "Be yourself, everyone else is taken"; "Dying Gracefully"; "Getting Through Changes"; "Enlightenment and how to find it" and more each week.
Click here to go to our Radio Station and listen to our Programs and Shows.
Meet amazing people with powerful stories and transformational life experiences. There is such wisdom gifted to us here. Each month we highlight one of our guests.
Juniper and her Mom, Liz, chat with us about growing children naturally. Here is a wonderful example of conscious parenting and mindfulness.
Contributors to Earth Tribe Radio
keys ...to rela.
In nature we can access our Peace. We find we naturally balance and simply being in it gives us a doorway into our source.
Dying doesn’t have to be scary.